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Home » Living Connecticut For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Service Agreement Extension

Living Connecticut
For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Service Agreement Extension

If you would like to extend your For Sale By Owner Service, please read through the terms, fill out the form below and submit for payment to extend your FSBO service.

1. The cost of the extension of your FSBO service is $50.00 and is for a six-month consecutive term or until the property is sold, taken off the market, or you list your home with a real estate broker, whichever occurs first. The additional six-month term will begin at the end of the first six-month term.

  • If you decide to list with a real estate broker, you agree to notify Living Connecticut immediately so that we may take down the listing and close the account.

2. You will maintain access to all of your real estate tools and information available only to account holders through this service including creating your FSBO listing, scheduling open houses, access to real estate forms and documents and the seller’s library.

3. As an account holder you will create and maintain your FSBO web listing to be posted on this site, one listing per account. Your listing will be available to you 24 hours a day. If you need help and would prefer we post the listing for you we will be happy to create the listing on the site for you.

4. The professional “For Sale By Owner” sign with your phone number added is on loan to you. If you opted out initially to have a sign posted on your property and have now decided you would like to add the sign. Please contact us at [email protected] or call and we will make arrangements to have a sign installed.

  • If the sign is damaged, including vandalism, car damage, beyond normal wear and tear, or not available for pick up at the end of your listing, you agree to pay Living Connecticut $100.00 for its replacement.

5. You may cancel the service at anytime. Since most of the work is done up front, there are no refunds.

6. Living Connecticut’s For Sale By Owner Service is an advertising platform, so:

  • a. With our For Sale By Owner Service, Living Connecticut isn’t representing you or your property, we are not your real estate broker, we do not provide legal or appraisal services, and we will not be paying a real estate commission nor will we be asking for one.
  • b. Living Connecticut is not responsible for any management, maintenance or up keep of your physical property.
  • c. Living Connecticut is not responsible for your showings, open houses, visitors, loss, or damage due to your property/home being posted on this site.

7. We reserve the right to edit, restrict, or remove any information that is deemed inappropriate or offensive at Living Connecticut’s discretion, for any reason, at any time.

8. You are 18 years of age or older and are the legal owner of the property you are listing/posting and that all the material and information you submit your own or control rights to.

9. You are responsible for the information contained in your For Sale By Owner listing. No unlawful content, inaccuracies, or misrepresentation are permitted. If this happens you’ll be asked to correct your listing. If you refuse, any fees or purchases will be nonrefundable and your service will be terminated.

Living Connecticut is a secure site with SSL protection to encrypt your private information. Your information will not be sold or share with anyone other than for the purpose of this service.


If you’d like to extend your FSBO Account:
… please fill out the form below
… and click “SEND” to proceed.

    First Owner Information Required fields are marked *
    Is the listed Property Address the same?*: If listed Property is different, please fill in address below:
    Second Owner Information
    Is the listed Property Address the same?: If listed Property is different, please fill in address below:

    Today’s Date/Starting Date of Service Agreement:
    End Date/Last Day of Service Agreement (6 months from Today’s Date) Example...If today’s date is Oct 15, 2018 then your end date would be April 15, 2019):

    Print Service Agreement

    Payment Method

    Order Details:
    Living Connecticut
    For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Service
    Amount Due $150.00

    PAY NOW using Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover Bank. Please click the button below to proceed to payment.
